(Prof Robin Murray, The Abandoned Illness - a Report by the Schizophrenia Commission)
Schizophrenia is the most commonly diagnosed psychotic mental illness. Over 26 million people worldwide… 220,000 people in England… some 30% of our mental health & social care spend, some £2.5 billion yearly… an overall cost to the nation of about £11.8 billion... with poor health indicators & high mortality rates, those with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia die 15 - 20 years younger than the general British population.
World Mental Health Day 2014 aims to open a conversation about, & call attention to this serious, often disabling, condition. Sharing information & guidance; networking care & support; tackling ignorance & mythology; fighting stigma & discrimination… it is amazing what a bit of a chat & a think might achieve!
WFMH have published a wide-ranging collection of papers, Living with Schizophrenia, which aims to reflect current medico-scientific knowledge about the illness, as well as capturing Schizophrenia's real-life impact on individuals & families… there's a fairly overt medical bias, but it's a good jumping off point for understanding more about this illness.
I strongly recommend the Schizophrenia Commission's powerful & shaming Report (or Executive Summary) which can be accessed here; a damning indictment of our society, our health & care & political institutions, yet a beacon of hope, shining light on solutions that can yet improve the lot of those who experience this most debilitating illness.
The National Audit of Schizophrenia (2012) attempts to collate a comprehensive picture of the quality of care received by people diagnosed with Schizophrenia in England & Wales.
Mind's website offers a broad range of information in regard to Schizophrenia, including causality & treatment, self help guidance, & advice as to haw family & friends can help.
Rethink Mental Illness & the Meridan Family Programme offer Caring for Yourself a guide to help those experiencing mental illness, their carers, family & friends. Aimed at helping folk developing new skills & coping strategies, the eight downloadable booklets offer tips & exercises about looking after oneself, as well as 'how to' information in respect of supporting a person suffering severe mental illness.
Sane, the Hearing Voices Network, the Voice Collective, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Time to Change etc. Many & varied is the research, information, advice, & personal experience relating to Schizophrenia; available on the internet & via your library, have a read, have a think, have an opinion… have compassion...
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